Your Effort Your Reward
The Jagwire WealthPlan, is one of the best compensation plans in the network marketing industry as Jagwire set out to change the game by transferring huge costs from the corporation to the independent consultants compensation. An independent consultant does a great service to a company like Jagwire by removing the need for human resources, training and recruitment, not to mention the sales they bring in. Jagwire is grateful for this and transfers what would have been a large corporate cost to you in the form of compensation. The more you do for Jagwire the better the compensation and there is no long onboarding process, just start talking to people about what they need and the reward is yours. Whether your plan is to build a network of Jagwire Independent Consultants, sell Jagwire products & services directly, develop a Managed Services Client base, or any combination of those things, the Jagwire WealthPlan offers you unimaginable potential for growth.
In the corporate world, your compensation is determined by someone else and your performance can be claimed by others to be their own. The Jagwire WealthPlan is there to pay you for your business-building, service sales and product-selling efforts. Jagwire gives you all the money you deserve by clearly rewarding your performance in a predictable way!
Instant Tech Company
Now anybody can create a tech company with all the rewards that come with it. Technology is an integral part of business and is an unavoidable complication in many organizations. Without it they are not competitive and so they need companies like Jagwire to do the heavy lifting. That’s the hard part and we do it for them and we do that for you along with back office support, design, marketing and the rest of the complicated things that come with starting and growing a company. With Jagwire by your side you only have to hang up the sign and start selling so to speak. Voila instant tech company.
In this business the most important thing to the customer is trust. No one will risk their business or their career to do business with someone they do not trust. For this reason security, information management & technology sales are a person to person business. You have to get out there and build relationships and help them get back to their core business without the worry of the complications of technology.
There are no guarantees being given with respect to the compensation, bonuses or income you can or will make in any way as a Jagwire Independent Consultant because Jagwire Independent Consultants are rewarded for their success and this is tied directly to the effort and skill employed by the Jagwire Independent Consultant.
Jagwire Independent Consultants can be promoted similar to someone working in a corporation. Once approved the Jagwire Independent Consultant starts at the “Independent Consultant” Title and over time can be promoted to the next higher ranking Title. Each Title has benefits associated with it. Below is a description of the benefits of each Title you can possess as a Jagwire Independent Consultant.
It is common in industry to budget the sales and marketing spend to 10% of company revenue. At Jagwire we want to be sure that even those that do not build a team or do anything other than sell Jagwire Products & Services are compensated fairly so we start by paying 10% of the entire sale of Jagwire Products & Services sold at or above SRP to the selling Jagwire Independent Consultant. It is our opinion that that is fair compensation for the value returned to Jagwire for any sale but that is just the beginning, see below for the details of all the ways you can be compensated for helping Jagwire grow. All rewards and compensation described below are in Canadian dollars.
Please click on each of the buttons below to find out more.
Independent Consultant
Team Leader
Senior Team Leader
Senior Manager
General Manager
Vice President
Executive Vice President
Senior Executive Vice President
Deputy President
Being Qualified For Incentives & Promotion
To remain qualified to receive compensation in all its many forms a Jagwire Independent Consultant must accumulate a minimum of 200 PCR each month and be in compliance with the Agreement. PCR is defined in the Definitions section below. The guidelines on how a Jagwire Independent Consultant can be promoted and receive a new title along with all the additional benefits of the new role follows.
Jagwire Independent Consultants can be promoted for meeting performance metrics outlined below. Once approved by head office the Jagwire Independent Consultant starts at the “Independent Consultant” Title and, over time and meeting certain requirements, can be promoted to the next higher ranking Title. In order to achieve the next Title you must first possess the Title immediately preceding it in the list below starting at number one. No Jagwire Independent Consultant can skip over a Title no matter how successful they, or their network, may be at sales and growing their respective networks of sponsored Jagwire Independent Consultants.
The following is the order of Titles which a Jagwire Independent Consultant can progress through as they meet the requirements for promotion (please click a button below to find out more):
Independent Consultant
Team Leader
Senior Team Leader
General Manager
Vice President
Executive Vice President
Senior Executive Vice President
Deputy President
Maintaining Titles
Independent Consultant
An Independent Consultant will maintain their title of Independent Consultant and receive all of the benefits associated with that title when they achieve 2,400 PCR over the course of a full year with Jagwire ending with the anniversary date. Jagwire will measure each Independent Consultant’s PCR annually at the completion of each Anniversary Month to determine if he or she achieved 2,400 PCR during the past year.
The 2,400 PCR Requirement applies to all Independent Consultants. If an Independent Consultant does not meet this requirement Jagwire will convert the Independent Consultant to a Client registered under their sponsor’s Jagwire ID. They can then reapply to Jagwire to become a Jagwire Independent Consultant and if approved they will be issued a new Jagwire ID with no downline or clients associated with it in effect starting over.
Independent Consultant
Team Leader
Senior Team Leader
Senior Manager
General Manager
Vice President
Senior Executive Vice President
Deputy President
Title Maintenance and Demotion
In order to participate in the rewards, incentives and other benefits associated with a particular Title, a Jagwire Independent Consultant must be in compliance with the Agreement. Should the monthly requirement not be met for the Title being held for the month being assessed then the Jagwire Independent Consultant with a Title of Team Leader or above will retain all the benefits associated with their title for the month immediately following the failure to meet the requirements and then be demoted to the next lower Title effective the first of the following month.
In the case of demotion the Jagwire Independent Consultant may not qualify for promotion to their former Title for a period of six months. Jagwire Independent Consultants may also be demoted with immediate effect upon notice by Jagwire to the Jagwire Independent Consultant pursuant to Sections 3.8 and 9.3 of the Policies & Procedures.
Jagwire Independent Consultant Annual Renewal
The term of the Agreement is one year. Each Jagwire Independent Consultant must renew his or her Agreement with Jagwire every year prior to the end of his or her anniversary month by submitting the Annual Renewal and any applicable fees to Jagwire.
Summary of Rewards
The preceding summary table is for illustration purposes only and does not show all benefits and bonuses that are available nor does it show requirements to receive the displayed commissions or the restrictions on each. Please refer to the sections above describing the Benefits of each Title and the compensation calculations description. As a Jagwire Independent Consultant, with any Title, you make a 10% commission on the total sale price of orders placed by personally registered Clients and personal purchases of non-discounted Jagwire Products & Services listed in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook.
Once you become a Team Leader you will have a Team under you and commissions will be paid to you based on your Level 1 Team’s sales, some restrictions apply.
Read Definitions
The following defined terms are used in this WealthPlan:
Agreement: The contract between Jagwire and each Jagwire Independent Consultant, including the Independent Consultant Application & Agreement, Renewals, the Policies & Procedures, the Jagwire WealthPlan, the Independent Consultant Code of Ethics, Jagwire’s online Legal Terms & Conditions and Jagwire’s Privacy Policy on Jagwire’s website, each as may be amended by Jagwire from time to time as set forth in the Policies & Procedures.
Bonuses, Commissions and Cash Awards: All bonuses, commissions and cash awards will be calculated based on payments received from the client during each respective month and are paid out the following month to the Jagwire Independent Consultant who qualified for them. Total combined compensation including all forms of cash awards, rewards, bonuses and commissions cannot exceed 40% of RV for that sale and is paid in order of precedence from the Jagwire ID that made the sale then paying each Jagwire Independent consultant closest to them starting with their sponsoring Jagwire ID followed by the sponsor’s sponsor (sponsoring Jagwire ID) and so on until the maximum payout for that sale is reached or the line of sponsorship ends.
Commission Revenue (CR): Commission Revenue is used to calculate Jagwire Independent Consultants commissions paid to them for the sales of their downline. CR is calculated by multiplying the downline Jagwire Independent Consultant’s RV by your RF for the month in question.
Jagwire Independent Consultant: Any individual who has signed and submitted a Jagwire Independent Consultant Application & Agreement to Jagwire that is accepted by Jagwire. Under this definition, the term Jagwire Independent Consultant refers to and includes all Jagwire Independent Consultants no matter what promotions they have earned and no matter what title they currently have including Team Leaders, Managers, Vice Presidents and Deputy Presidents of any seniority level. If you have a Jagwire ID, are compliant with the agreement, are Qualified based on your performance and have not been terminated for any reason then you are a Jagwire Independent Consultant.
Jagwire Products & Services: Any product or service listed in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook that is not marked as a Third Party Product or Third Party Service. Third Parties, which are other organizations separate from Jagwire, resell their products and services through Jagwire but only offer limited margin or commission back to Jagwire and therefore are treated separately from anything coming directly from Jagwire including its own consultants and technology. Third Party software or hardware can have so little margin that the service or consulting work is the only profitable part of the sale.
Managed Services Client: Managed Services Clients contract with Jagwire through a Jagwire Independent Consultant to purchase Jagwire products and services on an ongoing basis. Managed Services Clients are not Jagwire Independent Consultants, and are not eligible to receive commissions, or sponsor others under the Jagwire WealthPlan. QR generated by sales to a Managed Services Client is included in the PCR of the registering Jagwire Independent Consultant.
Personal Commissionable Revenue (PCR): The QR accumulated by a Jagwire Independent Consultant in a calendar month which includes QR from sales to his or her registered Clients, Managed Services Clients and sales and purchases under the Jagwire Independent Consultant’s own Jagwire ID.
Personal Retained Value (PRV): The RV of the Jagwire products and services including when applicable any RV associated with third party products and services accumulated in the respective month by a Jagwire Independent Consultant. This includes only RV from sales to registered Clients and purchases under a Jagwire Independent Consultant’s own Jagwire ID.
Promotions: Whenever a Jagwire Independent Consultant in your WealthLine achieves the level of Team Leader or above, they promote out to form their own Team and become part of your Level 1. At this time, the promoted Jagwire Independent Consultant, their entire WealthLine, their total Qualifying Revenue (QR) and their Retained Value (RV) are no longer considered part of your Team. You will no longer be able to include their QR or their RV in your Team Commission or Performance calculations. Their QR & RV will be now used to calculate Level 1 Commissions.
Qualified: In order to participate in Jagwire reward programs and in the various bonus and commission programs, Jagwire Independent Consultants must comply with the agreement and accumulate a minimum of 200 PCR each month.
Qualifying Revenue (QR): Each Jagwire product and service carries a designated QR that is used to calculate qualifications, maintenance, product specials and campaign incentives. Business Aids, Jagwire Support Team and some specials have no QR.
Retained Value (RV): RV is the number used to calculate Commissions. All Jagwire products & services carry a designated RV value that Jagwire Independent Consultants earn through the purchase and sale of those products. You can only accumulate RV through sales registered to your Jagwire ID and not through the sales by other Jagwire Independent Consultants even if they were sponsored by your Jagwire ID. Please note that Business Aids, Jagwire Support Team, some third party solutions and some specials have no RV. RV is listed in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook which is only made available to Qualified Jagwire Independent Consultants and is updated regularly.
Reward Factor (RF): RF is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 used to calculate Commissions you receive for your team’s performance. All Jagwire products & services carry a designated RV value that Jagwire Independent Consultants accumulate through the purchase and sale of those products. RV is used in conjunction with RF to determine your share of the RV that will be paid to you. Your RF is calculated each month and applied to the payment of that same period. Even though in a given month there many ways to earn RF the total can never exceed 1.0. Once 1.0 RF is earned other qualifying events do not increase the total for the given month.
You receive 0.2 RF when a managed services client registered by your Jagwire ID makes their first payment.
You receive 0.2 RF when a client registered by your Jagwire ID makes their first payment.
You receive 0.2 RF if a Jagwire Independent Consultant sponsored by your Jagwire ID makes their first sale.
You receive 0.1 RF if your RV is at an all-time high.
You receive 0.1 RF if you sponsor a new Jagwire Independent Consultant who is in turn approved by Jagwire.
You receive 0.1 RF if a Jagwire Independent Consultant sponsored by your Jagwire ID is promoted.
You receive 0.1 RF if your team RV is at an all-time high.
You receive 0.1 RF if you are promoted.
You receive 0.05 RF if you give an approved presentation at an approved event.
You receive 0.05 RF if you sell a new item from the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook to an existing client registered by your Jagwire ID.
You receive 0.05 RF when one or more managed services clients registered by your Jagwire ID increases their managed services buy, determined when monthly purchase increases and first increased payment is received.
You receive 0.05 RF when one or more clients registered by your Jagwire ID buys something they had previously never purchased from Jagwire.
Sales Commission: Commission paid on orders placed by Registered Clients will be calculated at 10% of the sale price of the orders excluding product promotions, third party products and discounted sales to clients. This commission will be paid monthly, to the Jagwire Independent Consultant whose Jagwire ID the client is registered under, following the time when payment is received by Jagwire from the client.
Start Month: The calendar month in which an individual first becomes a Jagwire Independent Consultant or Managed Services Client.
Suggested Retail Price (SRP): The price suggested by Jagwire for the sale of Jagwire products & services to Clients. Jagwire Confidential Pricebook state the SRP for each Jagwire product & service. Sales of Jagwire products & services at or above SRP enable Jagwire Independent Consultants to earn a commission.
Team: You and all Jagwire Independent Consultants that have not reached a Title of equal seniority or above your current Title and that have been sponsored by your Jagwire ID as well as all those that have been sponsored by any Jagwire Independent Consultant that was sponsored by those Jagwire Independent Consultants that have been sponsored by your Jagwire ID and so on are included in your Team. This sponsorship relationship structure is commonly referred to as a downline in the Multi-Level Marketing industry. You and your downline excluding your sponsored peers and their downlines and excluding more senior Jagwire Independent Consultants based on their Title and their downlines make up your Team.
Third Party Products & Services: Any product or service listed in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook that is marked as a Third Party Product or Third Party Service and anything not included in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook. Third Party’s, which are other organizations sepate from Jagwire, resell their products and services through Jagwire but only offer limited margin or commission back to Jagwire and therefore are treated separately from anything coming directly from Jagwire including its own consultants and technology. Jagwire is able to meet most clients’ requests for Third Party Products & Services even when they are not listed in the Jagwire Confidential Pricebook. Contact head office for help with any such requests.
WealthLine: All Jagwire Independent Consultants who have been sponsored by your Jagwire ID or sponsored by any Jagwire Independent Consultant below those Jagwire Independent Consultants that have been sponsored by your Jagwire ID are included in your WealthLine.
Jagwire reserves the right to periodically amend or modify this WealthPlan, the Policies & Procedures, Privacy Policy, and the Independent Consultant Application & Agreement collectively referred to as (the Agreement). The Jagwire Independent Consultant agrees to abide by the Agreement and all amendments and modifications.
No Jagwire Independent Consultant of any Title may change, modify, amend or waive any provision of the Agreement and any representation to the contrary, or which is inconsistent with the foregoing, should not be relied upon and will not be binding on Jagwire.